Thursday, August 5, 2010

IT'S A BOY!!!!

The wait is over! At 17 weeks we were able to find out the sex of our baby!
You can definitely see in the pictures below :) We are both sooo excited to have a son on the way!! We are still in the process of picking a name, it's so hard deciding! Last night we had The West's, Allen's, and Jake's grandparents over to share the news. We had them divide up and guess. It was a spit right down the middle! Half thought we were having a girl and half thought it was a Boy! Ronnie and Paula both thought it was a Boy. We revealed the Cake and everyone started screaming... where was the video camera! After my mom got home from work late last night, Jake and I got on Skype with them to share the news. They are very excited to have their first grandson on the way!
The Doctor said everything looks great and Baby West has a healthy heart beat.

1 comment:

  1. So exciting! Hope he's as handsome as his Daddy ;) Happy for y'all and continuing prayer

