Thursday, August 26, 2010

Half Way There!!!

Today we are 20 Weeks! It's crazy to think we are half way there! In 20 short weeks we will have a little West in our lives! We went to our Big 20 Week Appointment Today and Dr. Boren confirmed we are having a beautiful Baby BOY! We found out the sex at 17 weeks and usually you are suppose to wait until 20 weeks, but she said it is definitely a boy!
Everything is moving right along with Baby West. All his organs measured up exactly on track and he had a heart rate of 134. Weighing a little under 12 ounces and measures about 6 inches.
It was a great morning hearing all the wonderful news that everything is moving along just great!
Lately I've been feeling really good! I've had a lot of energy during the day and quite the appetite. This baby is making me hungry! For the last couple weeks, I've been feeling the baby move! It is such a weird, but amazing feeling! I've been having trouble falling asleep at night, trying to get use to sleeping on my side. Jake is getting really excited about the baby and can't believe how quickly time is flying by! He is really enjoying his job! We get to have lunch together which helps break up the day and get me out and away from the computer for a while! He's been seeing around 15 patients a day and loves when he has friends of the family or Winnsboro patients come in! We couldn't be luckier to have found Dr. Smith. The practice is very well known in Tyler and a ton of his patients have already been referring friends and family to come see him!

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