Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Colt is 2 Months Old

Wow, time is flying by! Our little guy is already 2 Months old! We had our checkup with Dr. Melton yesterday and Colt did not like it! The shots were aweful...He cried his little eyes out and put himself to sleep. When he woke up at 12:30 he was not a happy camper. I gave him some Tylonol and after sleeping all afternoon, he seemed to be better by evening.
Our sleeping through the night is getting better! I'll feed him at 10:00 and we don't hear from him until 4:00 AM! One night he even stretched it to 5:30! This was amazing for Mommy! This morning we woke up at 4:15, ate, then went back to bed until 8:00! I got 8 hrs of sleep and feel wonderful Today! Colt is full of smiles and is even laughing!
2 Months old, Colt weighs 10 lbs and 22 1/2"

1 comment:

  1. Happy Two Months Colt!!! You are so handsome!!! Love getting all the updates... Shelby. Sounds like you are a great Mommy!!!

